Apkures pabalsts 2023: What You Need to Know About the Heating Allowance in Latvia
The energy crisis has hit hard many households in Latvia, as the prices of electricity, gas, and heating have soared in recent months. To help people cope with the rising costs of heating their homes, the Latvian government has introduced a series of measures, including a special heating allowance called apkures pabalsts.
apkures pabalsts 2023
In this article, we will explain what apkures pabalsts is, who can get it, how much it is, and how to apply for it. We will also cover other forms of state support for heating costs that are available for certain groups of society. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of how to benefit from the heating allowance in Latvia and save money on your bills.
Types of apkures pabalsts and how to apply
The new aid rules stipulate that apkures pabalsts applies to households heated centrally, with gas, electricity, firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes. The amount and method of compensation vary depending on the type of heating used. Here are the details for each type:
How to calculate the compensation amount
For households that use electricity in heating, a ceiling on electricity prices above which households would be compensated has been set. If the price of electricity exceeds EUR 0.160/kWh, the State compensates for 50% of the electricity price, while the amount of compensation does not exceed EUR 0.100/kWh.
The aid to cover electricity costs is targeted at households using electricity for heating and therefore the monthly electricity consumption of such households exceeds 500 kWh. The partial compensation for the electricity price will be applied to electricity consumption above 500 kWh but not more than 2000 kWh.
How to submit an application to the local government
The household must submit an application to the local government, accompanied by an electricity invoice for the specified aid period October 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023. The application can be submitted online or in person at the local government office. The local government will review the application and transfer the compensation amount to the household's bank account within 30 days.
How to calculate the compensation amount
Household gas users (including apartment owners and tenants) whose average monthly consumption of natural gas over a period of 12 months is more than 221 kWh/month or 21 cubic meters/month, will receive compensation at 50% of the price increase. Given that the estimated difference in natural gas prices between the previous and the next heating season is EUR 70, the aid for the next heating season should be EUR 35 per megawatt-hour (MWh) or EUR 0.035/kWh without VAT.
The aid will apply between July 1 to How to receive the compensation from the gas trader
The household does not need to submit any application to receive the compensation for gas costs. The gas trader will automatically calculate and apply the compensation amount to the household's invoice. The household will only pay the difference between the actual gas price and the compensation amount. The gas trader will receive the compensation amount from the State budget.
Central heating
How to calculate the compensation amount
Households that use central heating will receive compensation at 50% of the price increase. Given that the estimated difference in central heating prices between the previous and the next heating season is EUR 30, the aid for the next heating season should be EUR 15 per megawatt-hour (MWh) or EUR 0.015/kWh without VAT.
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The aid will apply between October 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023. The average monthly consumption of central heating per household is estimated at 0.8 MWh or 800 kWh.
How to receive the compensation from the heating service provider
The household does not need to submit any application to receive the compensation for central heating costs. The heating service provider will automatically calculate and apply the compensation amount to the household's invoice. The household will only pay the difference between the actual heating price and the compensation amount. The heating service provider will receive the compensation amount from the State budget.
Firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes
How to claim a one-off aid of EUR 100 without proof of purchase
Households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating can claim a one-off aid of EUR 100 without providing any proof of purchase. This aid is intended to cover part of the increased costs of these fuels due to higher demand and transport costs.
The household must submit an application to the local government, stating that they use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating and that they have not received any other aid for these fuels. The application can be submitted online or in person at the local government office. The local government will review the application and transfer the aid amount to the household's bank account within 30 days.
How to claim a higher aid of up to EUR 300 with proof of purchase
Households that use firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes for heating can claim a higher aid of up to EUR 300 if they provide proof of purchase of these fuels. This aid is intended to cover up to 50% of the costs of these fuels purchased between July 1, 2022, and April 30, 2023.
The household must submit an application to the local government, accompanied by invoices or receipts for firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes purchased during the specified period. The application can be submitted online or in person at the local government office. The local government will review the application and transfer the aid amount to the household's bank account within 30 days.
Other forms of state support for heating costs
In addition to apkures pabalsts, there are other forms of state support for heating costs that are available for certain groups of society. These include:
Monthly allowance for vulnerable groups of society
The monthly allowance for vulnerable groups of society is a social benefit that is paid to low-income pensioners, disabled persons, families with children, and other persons who meet certain criteria. The amount of the allowance depends on the income and expenses of the household, as well as on other factors such as age, disability level, number of children, etc.
The monthly allowance for vulnerable groups of society can be used to cover any living expenses, including heating costs. To apply for this benefit, the household must submit an application and supporting documents to the State Social Insurance Agency (SSIA). The SSIA will assess the eligibility and income level of the household and determine the amount of the allowance.
Increased housing benefit for low-income households
The increased housing benefit is a social benefit that is paid to low-income households that spend more than 25% of their income on housing costs (rent, utilities, maintenance, etc.). The amount of the benefit depends on the income and expenses of the household, as well as on the size and location of the dwelling. The increased housing benefit can cover up to 75% of the housing costs, but not more than EUR 300 per month.
The increased housing benefit can be used to cover any housing costs, including heating costs. To apply for this benefit, the household must submit an application and supporting documents to the local government. The local government will assess the eligibility and income level of the household and determine the amount of the benefit.
Heating your home in Latvia can be a challenge, especially in the winter months when the temperatures drop and the energy prices rise. Fortunately, there are various forms of state support for heating costs that can help you save money and stay warm. One of them is apkures pabalsts, a special heating allowance that applies to households heated centrally, with gas, electricity, firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes.
In this article, we have explained what apkures pabalsts is, who can get it, how much it is, and how to apply for it. We have also covered other forms of state support for heating costs that are available for certain groups of society. We hope that this information has been useful and that you will be able to benefit from the heating allowance in Latvia.
Here are some frequently asked questions about apkures pabalsts and other forms of state support for heating costs:
When will apkures pabalsts start and end?
Apkures pabalsts will start on October 1, 2022, and end on April 30, 2023. However, some types of heating (such as gas) will have a longer aid period, starting from July 1, 2022.
How often will I receive apkures pabalsts?
Apkures pabalsts will be paid monthly or quarterly, depending on the type of heating used. For electricity and firewood, wood pellets, or briquettes, you will receive the compensation monthly. For gas and central heating, you will receive the compensation quarterly.
Can I receive apkures pabalsts if I live in a rented apartment?
Yes, you can receive apkures pabalsts if you live in a rented apartment, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and provide proof of payment for your heating costs. You can also receive apkures pabalsts if you live in a social apartment or a dormitory.
Can I receive apkures pabalsts if I use more than one type of heating?
Yes, you can receive apkures pabalsts if you use more than one type of heating, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria and provide proof of payment for each type of heating. However, you cannot receive double compensation for the same type of heating.
Can I receive apkures pabalsts and other forms of state support for heating costs at the same time?
Yes, you can receive apkures pabalsts and other forms of state support for heating costs at the same time, as long as you meet the eligibility criteria for each form of support. However, you cannot receive more than 100% of your heating costs from all sources of support combined. 44f88ac181